The 9th Annual Lemonade for Love Raised over $38,000 for the #CaptainXavierFund at Silver Creek Preschool for children with special needs
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The 9th Annual Lemonade for Love Raised over $38,000 for the #CaptainXavierFund at Silver Creek Preschool for children with special needs


Last Saturday there was an 80% chance of rain – and it did rain heavily in many parts of Etobicoke – but not at Fairfield Park

Lemonade For Love remained dry with bits of sunshine ☀️peeking through which allowed us the opportunity to gather comfortably as a community and enjoy our morning together while raising money for the #captainxavierfund

We aren’t so sure it was just luck. We know we have a little guy with a big heart watching over us. ❤️

Thank you to our community partners, raffle donors, ambassadors, volunteers, attendees, and all of the people who continue to show up for us without being asked, and who say yes to us without hesitation. The event would never happen without you.

A BIG thank you to Cannect Inc. who has generously offered, once again, to match the donations dollar for dollar.

We are pleased to announce that as a collective, our community has raised and will donate just over $38,000.00 to the #captainxavierfund at Silver Creek Preschool for children with special needs. Our community continues to champion the extraordinary kids and their families at Silver Creek.

We are so proud to call this our home.

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